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Stations of the Cross by St Anthony's Children
Religious Education, RE, is taught through the “Come and See” programme which allows children to explore the teachings of the Catholic Church through the use of age-appropriate resources and activities.
We also express our faith in school through fundraising activities for local, national and worldwide charities. Recently, we have supported St Christopher's Hospice, The Mizen Foundation, The Manna Centre and CAFOD.
We have assemblies throughout the week, class-based liturgies, regular whole school Masses and classes also join the parishioners of St Thomas More for Mass each Wednesday. All children say prayers at the beginning and end of the school day and before they go to lunch. These are often led by children and include a range of set prayers and those which the children have written themselves.
Children are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion by parish-based Catechists at weekends and a Celebration Mass for the whole school takes place during the summer term.
Representatives from each Key Stage Two class form the Mini-Vinnies who take an active role in the Catholic life and mission of the school.